Rules for Daily LIfe

Begin the Day with GOD

Kneel down to HIm in prayer;
Lift up thy heart to His abode,
And seek His love to share.

Open the Book of GOD

And read a portion there;
That it may hallow all thy thoughts,
And sweeten all thy care.

Go Through the Day with GOD

Whate'er thy work may be;
Where'er thou art ~ at home, abroad,
He still is near to thee.

Converse in Mind with GOD

Thy spirit heavenward raise:
Acknowledge every good bestowed,
And offer grateful praise.

Conclude the Day with GOD

Thy sins to Him confess;
Thrust in the Lord's atoning blood,
And plead His righteousness.

Lie Down at Night with GOD

Who gives His servants sleep;
And when thou thread'st the vale of death,
He will thee guard and keep.

GOD Bless
Lourie and Sonya
Award received from

Jim Keeling Ministries

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