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Claim the Victory

In the trying times of life,
I can say "Oh woe is me!"
Or I can set my eyes toward heaven
and claim the victory.
It might not come tomorrow
and it might not come next week,
But the bible says that answers come
to those who diligently seek.

And, if I look around me
and realize others' pain,
My burden seems much lighter
and much hope I quickly gain.
So, although the trials of life
can discourage and depress,
Oh let me reassure you,
Jesus will come and give you rest.

For when I reach the point
when I feel I can't take more,
He arrives to bring me comfort
with the answers I prayed for.
Much adoration I have gained
thru years of "troubled days"
By understanding that by my side
my Saviour always stays.

by: Beverly Huff

...I will fear no evil;
for Thou art with me...
Psalms 23:4

GOD Bless
Lourie and Sonya

Award received from

Jim Keeling Ministries

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