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The Inner Calm

Calm me , My GOD, and keep me calm,
While these hot breezes blow;
Be like the night-dews cooling balm
Upon earth's fevered brow.

Calme me, my GOD, and keep me calm,
Soft resting on thy breast;
Soothe me with holy hymn and psalm
And bid my spirit rest.

Yes, keep me calm through loud and rude
The sounds me ear that greet;
Calm in the closet's solitude,
Calm in the bustling street.

Calm in the hour of buoyant health,
Calm in my hour of pain,
Calm in my poverty or wealth,
Calm in my loss or gain.

Calm with the great world's news with power My listening spirit stirs;
Let not the tidings of the hour
E'er find too fond an ear.

Calm as the ray of sun or star
Which storms assail in vain;
Morning unruffled through earth's war,
The eternal calm to gain.

By Horatius Bonar

GOD Bless
Lourie and Sonya
Award received from

Jim Keeling Ministries

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