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A Matter of Choice

The night has gently slipped away,
I am awake at break of day
To face the early morning sun
For I have battles to be won.
But I will take time out to see
The beauty GOD displays for me.

The splendor of the morning sky,
The sparkling dew to catch the eye,
As I slowly walk the way
That leads to Jesus and to pray.

It is the time that's best for me,
So poor are others who cannot see
The glory of each early dawn,
For too soon every day is gone ~
But GOD puts beauty in sunsets too,
Perhaps it's then He beckons you.

By: Edna Fontaine

When I consider the heavens,
the work of thy fingers, the
moon and the stars which
thou has founded.
Psalms 8:3

GOD Bless
Lourie and Sonya

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