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Precious Words

I gather up the precious words
And put them in my heart,
I cherish them with tender love
From them, I'll ne'er depart.

A word from Gospel, John,
A word from Matthew, too,
A sprinkling of dear Mark and Luke,
These will be added, too.

Words taken from the prophets,
Who lived so long ago,
Who foretold the blessed story
Of my Lord, I came to know.

The words that told of His dear birth
And how He lived to be
The Savior of all mankind,
And how He died for me.

How He gave up His own dear life
So I can live today
To love Him, serve Him, honor Him,
Obey Him all the way.

By: Lucille West

The Lord is GOD and
He has given us light...
Psalms 118:27

GOD Bless
Lourie and Sonya
Award received from

Jim Keeling Ministries

We are planning on starting a new selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to
Thank you.
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