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How Rich I Am

What use are things of earth and such?
They rust or melt away,
Then as for me, I'll serve the Lord,
His love will not decay.
How rich am I! I'll sing GOD's praise
Nor fear what man can do;
I have true wealth, GOD's perfect peace,
All this and heaven, too.

What use is gold when hope is lost?
Some things gold cannot buy;
Then as for me, I'll serve the Lord,
Each need He shall supply.
Could you be counted just like gold,
I'd be a millionaire;
My heart o'erflows with happiness,
I'm safe within GOD's care.

by: Phyllis C. Michael

Set your affection on
things above, not on
things on the earth.
Colossians 3:2

GOD Bless
Lourie and Sonya

Award received from

Jim Keeling Ministries

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