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Anxious Prayers

When we are deeply disturbed with a problem
And our mind is filled with doubt
And we struggle to find a solution
But there seems to be no way out,
We futilely keep on trying
To untangle our web of distress ~
But our own little, puny efforts
Meet with very little success…

And finally exhausted and weary,
Discouraged and downcast and low,
With no foreseeable answer
And with no other place to go,
We kneel down in sheer desperation
And slowly and stumblingly pray
Then impatiently wait for an answer
Which we full expect right away…

And then, when GOD does not answer,
In one, sudden instant we say,
“GOD does not seem to be listening,
So why should we bother to pray”…
But GOD can’t get through to “the anxious”
Who are much too impatient to wait ~
You have to believe in GOD’s promise
That He comes not too soon or too late.

For, whether GOD answers promptly
Or delays in answering your prayer,
You must have faith to believe Him
And to know in your heart He’ll be there…
So be not impatient or hasty,
Just trust in the Lord and believe,
For whatever you ask in faith and love
In abundance you are sure to receive.

By: Helen Steiner Rice

And all things, whatsoever
ye shall ask in prayer, believing,
ye shall receive.
Matthew 21:22

GOD Bless
Lourie and Sonya

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