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Autumn Prayer

If I may say a selfish prayer,
Grant me more Autumns, Lord;
Deserving, no, but praising You
For Nature’s rich award:

The patient pumpkin in the field,
The chestnut, corn and gourd,
The product of the apple tree ~
Sweet amber cider poured,

Old ginko’s fan-shaped foliage,
The maples’s flashy cloak,
The grieving willow’s tears of gold,
Wild sassafras and oak,

The clouds above the feathered pond
That in agreement nod,
Soft sunshine on the tresses of
The roadside goldenrod.

The town, the country ~ I love both ~
Their wind-borne leaves aflame,
May all the Autumns through the years
Stay gloriously the same,

And if there be few Autumns left
For me to see below,
I hope wherever Heaven is
GOD’s earthy woodlands grow.

by: Helen H. Hendrickson

GOD Bless
Lourie and Sonya

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